Paragard IUD

ParaGard IUD

Yaeger Law is investigating potential lawsuits for women who have been injured by the ParaGard IUD. Women have reported that the ParaGard IUD broke or fractured during the removal process, which required additional medical treatment, including a hysterectomy. If you or a loved one used Paragard IUD and subsequently suffered complications and/or injuries during the removal process, contact Yaeger Law about your legal options today, no obligation is required and free of charge.


ParaGard IUD is a hormone-free, copper IUD that can provide long-term birth control. It is claimed to be 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. ParaGard is T-shaped and you would like it is a medical device but is regulated as a drug.

ParaGard is placed in the uterus by a physician to prevent contraception for up to 10 years. It is often referred to as a “set it and forget it” birth control. It is usually placed at a routine in-office visit.

It works differently than other IUDs because it is hormone-free. ParaGard is a T-shaped plastic frame made of polyethylene and barium sulfate that is inserted into the uterus. ParaGard has copper wire coiled around the IUD, which produces an inflammatory reaction that is toxic to sperm and egg. A monofilament polyethylene thread is tied through the tip, resulting in two white threads (commonly referred to as the “strings” or “threads”), which aid in the detection and removal of the drug.

To remove the ParaGard IUD, physicians are instructed to locate the strings and pull gently until the IUD is expelled from the uterus. The removal of ParaGard is typically done in a routine office visit. The ParaGard arms are supposed to fold upward to aid in removal, but the arms will instead often break at the joint during removal.

  • ParaGard T 380
  • ParaGard T 380A
  • ParaGard Tcu 380A

Women have reported being seriously injured during the removal of the ParaGard IUD. During the removal process, pieces of the device can break or fracture. This requires additional surgery that is often extensive and painful. Some women have had to undergo a hysterectomy as a result of the broken or fractured ParaGard IUD. Other injuries relate to the device damaging the uterus. Women have reported that the ParaGard IUD broke and then perforated their uterus or became stuck in their uterus.

If you or a loved one suffered from a broken ParaGard IUD that Required Surgery, you may be entitled to compensation.
Contact Yaeger Law to discuss the details of your potential ParaGard IUD lawsuit.

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Yaeger Law

Yaeger Law, PLLC   |  727-202-5015  |  [email protected]

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